The Ultimate Guide to House Sitting Jobs: Part 4 | How to Plan & Have a Great House Sitting Experience

After more than 40 house sitting jobs we’ve picked up several tips and tricks on how to make the house sitting experience a great one, for both us and the homeowner. It starts with a great profile, a well written application, good communication, and continues through the actual house sitting job. Read on to see step by step what we do to try and make every house sit a good one!

The Ultimate Guide to House Sitting Jobs: Part 3 | Searching, Applying, & Getting a Great One!

If you’re looking to house sit full time, occasionally, or just want to try it out for the first time, being able to find a great house sitting job is important. Having completed 40 house sitting jobs we’ve perfected our methods through many ‘lessons learned’ and are sharing our tips and tricks to find a great house sit, apply for it, and get it!

The Ultimate Guide to House Sitting Jobs: Part 2 | The Best Website and a Stellar Profile

Whether you’re a newbie to house sitting and trying to figure out how to start, or you’re experienced but looking for tips to improve your house sitting game, we’ve got you covered! In part two of our step-by-step guide we’re covering everything form picking the best house sitting website, to getting references and creating a great profile.

April 2019 Budget & Expenses | Digital Nomads Pursuing Financial Independence, Retire Early (FI/RE)

As digital nomads who travel long-term and house sit full time our monthly budget and expenses are a bit different than most people. If you’re curious how much we spend and how we can travel full time and still pursue FI/RE (financial independence, retire early) then read on. In April we found ourselves spending a bit more on business expenses and clothing, but finding notable savings in lodging. Also, if your curious how our medical insurance is so low… we’re divulging the details this month!

March 2019 Budget & Expenses | Digital Nomads Pursuing Financial Independence, Retire Early (FI/RE)

We’re sharing our budget each month to prove that you don’t need to be independently wealthy to travel full-time. As evidence, we kept our expenses low (well under $500!) this month. And March was a busy month as both digital nomads and house sitters! With three house sitting jobs, one in Philadelphia and two in New York City and several work clients, we kept ourselves busy working and exploring.

February 2019 Budget & Expenses | Digital Nomads Pursuing Financial Independence, Retire Early (FI/RE)

February was a month that even blew us away! We’ve never had our expenses fall below $500 in a single month, let alone under $250! This was a month of extreme savings. See how we did it, even while traveling from Alexandria, VA to Philadelphia, PA and sightseeing in both cities.

This is the first of a recurring monthly article where we share our budget/expenses as digital nomads pursuing financial independence, retire early (FI/RE) and traveling continuously and long-term!

Google Project Fi | The Best International Cell Phone & Data Plan for World Travel

There are an incredible number of voice and data carriers and subsequent plans to choose from. As smart phone have become an integral part of daily life, having a reliable plan with voice, text, and data that can take you nationwide as well as internationally at a reasonable price is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. As we travel not only around the United States, but worldwide, having a phone that’s affordable, has good coverage, is simple, and ‘just works’ is critical!

We considered the major U.S. providers (AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon) and an assortment of mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs), as well as purchasing a SIM upon arriving at new international destinations. But in the end, Google Fi (formerly Google Project Fi) was hands down the best for our needs and travel style!

RV Camping in New Zealand

RV camping in New Zealand is an excellent way to experience one of the most beautiful locations in the world. With a little basic knowledge and some planning, you can choose which island to visit, select the ideal RV rental for your needs and plot out the places you can stay to make your dream trip come true!

Carry-On Only (Onebag) Travel Tips for Women | Packing, Clothing, and Accessories

Why not simplify your packing routine and reduce your luggage to a single carry-on bag? Known as ‘onebagging’, this travel style isn’t just for men, women can master the multi-purpose minimalist and easy way of travel too. See how we make the most out of the space in our bag, along with the clothes we pack without loosing our style or comfort! Plus don’t miss the first two parts of this series where we cover women’s onebag tips for makeup in part one and feminine hygiene and toiletries in part two.

Carry-On Only (Onebag) Travel Tips for Women | Makeup

The one bag (henceforth known as ‘onebag’) single carry-on travel scene is dominated by men. As the female half of a onebag travel backpack couple who’ve been traveling long term for over two years, I’ve picked up a few tips along the way. If you’re a woman looking for onebag travel tips, DIYs, and how-tos, keep on reading. This article is focused on makeup, but don’t miss the packing, clothing, accessories, feminine hygiene, and toiletry tips articles!

Traveling Australia on a Budget

If Australia is on your travel destination bucket list, then we’re right there with you! This week Destination NSW is helping us out with a guest post that has a ton of great tips for traveling Australia on a budget. So if you’re looking for tips on van rentals/hires, driving, public transportation, camping, budget lodging, food, drinks, SIMs, WiFi, and of course things to do and see in Australia, then keep on reading!

A Look Back Offers Gratitude, Perspective, and an Optimistic New Year

It’s hard to believe that Screw The Average is over two years old! It’s been and will continue to be a place where we share our journey. A journey to pursuing financially independent, retire early (FI/RE), becoming digital nomads, house sitting full time, and travel hacking adventures. And of course, it’s not just rainbows and butterflies, so Screw The Average is also a place where we share our mistakes and lessons learned.

We’ve learned a lot in the past couple of years, but seeing as how life is a continual path of learning and growth, we’re looking forward to the future!

Home Is Where the Heart Is | Sightseeing with a Staycation

A stop in our hometown led to a lesson learned... We’d just returned from flying around the world but we realized that we’d never really seen our hometown. This realization was a huge reminder to us to try and look at our surroundings with fresh eyes. What seems ordinary to you may be extraordinary to a tourist, so why not take a staycation and see your hometown through the eyes of a tourist?!